Customer Reviews

We are proud to have so many fantastic reviews from our happy customers. The feedback we receive helps us to make sure we keep providing the best service that we can.

We put the reviews we receive on here so you can see why so many people choose us and the difference the claims can make to people.

Five stars!

We have been rated 5 stars by our customers

Figures shown after the deduction of our fees and any applicable taxes


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We may use extracts of your testimonial on our website or marketing materials and by submitting this form you are providing us with your authority for us to do so. We shall never disclose confidential information such as address, date of birth, etc.

Ms Sibson received £183 from her PPI claim from Lloyds Bank

Five stars!

"Having looked online for financial recovery providers I came upon FRS, after reading reviews decided to send for a free check after debating for years whether to go for PPI, I sent off for my free check. After submitting PPI FRS found I was able to claim from my bank without paperwork. I am very pleased with how my claims were dealt with, friendly and helpful staff when I had to ring up. I would recommend them to anyone thkning of claiming PPI."

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